Contractor: Contracting sometimes requires special training and technology

This is the third in a series of fiction books about a General Contractor in Montana. Jim or Boss, the contractor, left the team in the second book. However, he became a victim, and his team came to the rescue. In the meantime, the team organization became stronger with additional training in other technology. This book continues with assignments taking on mercenary soldiers presumed to be Russian, which was their most challenging mission. Angelique became involved with one of the team members, Joker, which became a love affair that could have jeopardized a future mission. They were married, and Joker went on a mission without knowing he was going to be a daddy. He was seriously wounded, which changed his role in the team. Scorpio, the main assassin’s character, was seriously injured. But later, a mission to recover the bodies of Senator’s friends became one mission that affected the team, especially Scorpio. Also, the newborn, the team named Baby Jesus, had a significant effect on Scorpio as he struggled to come to grips with life, death, and his future.